NM Centre for Public Policy (NM CPP) is an independent public policy think tank associated with Kumaraguru College of Liberal Arts and Science, Coimbatore. The centre has been established to celebrate the legacy, statesmanship and life of Dr. N. Mahalingam whose colossal contributions to economy, society and governance has made a tremendous impact on the various facets of the society
NM CPP has been established with a purpose to advance and support better policy making and public service delivery in association with the government and various stakeholders.
The Pillars of The NM Centre For Public Policy
- Research
- Dialogue
- Dissemenation
- Advance
- Advocacy
- Evidence based research of on design and delivery of public policies to inform and improve policies. And build theories of policy making and implementation in the regional and national context.
- Exchange of knowledge to advance the public policies and addresses critical policies and local governance to better the services for the society.
- Education about public policies through formal learning of certificate and diploma courses for the youth and aspiring public servants.
- Training and capacity building in public policy design and development for people engaged in public policy design and delivery.
- Reports and advocacy on public policies to manage economic, social, health, and governance environmental challenges faced by the society.
- Work with government, public policy makers, experts, practitioners to review and identify the current and future gaps for development. Experts, PhD scholars, Fellows and Interns will be engaged in evidence-based research to have diverse perspectives and also build future capacity.
- Be a platform to build conversations and dialogue through roundtables, summits, conferences and conclaves among policy makers,implementors and beneficiaries to enrich existing work with new insights for effective implementation in the larger society.
- Develop toolkits to support public policy implementors as they address high priority challenges and support capacity development. Build a network to design frameworks and exchange best practices from different regions.
- Broaden the reach and relevance through dissemination and publishing policy briefings, reviews and research evidence in scientific journals and popular articles for a larger audience for effective design and management of public policies.
- Advocacy to support the decision making of the policy makers and anticipate future needs of the public services.
- Value based and ethical approach will be the fulcrum of the centre and promote responsible citizenship.
The focus areas of of NM Centre for Public Policy are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN and generrate integrative framework in colllaboration with specific committees and stakeholders.
- Agriculture
- Social policy
- Labour markets
- Gender Equality
- Sustainability and climate change
- Health
- Education
The NM Centre for Public Policy partners with regional, state govement departments, think tanks, non-prrofit organizations.

Takshashila Institution, Bangalore

Centre for Human Security Studies, Hyderabad

COVINTS, Bangalore

IMPRI, New Delhi

Rashtram School of Public Leadership, Haryana

KCT Business School, Coimbatore

Kumaraguru Institute of Agriculture, Aapakudal

Kumaraguru College of Technology
Kumaraguru College of Liberal Arts & Science (KCLAS), established in 2018 under the umberlla of Kumaraguru Institutions in Coimbatore, offering 10 bachelors, 2 masters and 3 Doctoral programs. KCLAS is an institution that was born out of a rich legacy, strong vision and great commitment of Kumaragu Institutions founded by Dr. N. Mahalingam the Founder Chairman who was in the forefront of many social and economic reforms. Kumaraguru Institutional group include Kumaraguru College of Technology (1984), KCT Business School (2005), Kumaraguru Institute of Agriculture (2014).
The Department of Political Science at KCLAS was established in 2019 with the aim of mentoring students to serve the public through civil services and think tanks. It offers BA and MA Political Science 186 students are pursuing their degrees in the Department. The Department conducts symposiums, workshops, webinars, and seminars on a regular basis to enrich and enhance the research acumen of both the students and the faculty. The NM Centre for Public Policy is a perfect complementary hub in direction of liberal arts vision of the Instition and also creating value for regional, national and global society.