The Leadership council is a federal Institution and a student helm of affairs. (consisting members of the Final Year of study)
The Leadership Council is the “Think Tank” of the Institution. All policies, plans, procedural changes, and projects are ideated and brainstormed by the Leadership Council. This Student run body is filtered through a rigorous process of selection, as the council represents the Student Community at KCLAS, to addresses student grievances and implements viable suggestions.
The Leadership Council also play a major role in the decision making of Institutional reforms that impact the Student Community.
The Leadership Council concentrates on two types of responsiblity :
1) Department Verticals.
2) Cardinal Verticals.
The Council extends across as the active medium of communication of material facts and initiatives from the management and the Faculty fraternity at KCLAS.
Department Association are the Action team which carries out the proper implementation of all of the above said, they are lead by the Leadership Council, they constitute the Pre-final and final years spanning over 17 roles (listed below). They act as the change agents in their assigned roles and are delegated with unique responsibilities to pursue over their reign as a DA member.
The Leadership Council Department Association together form the Leadership opportunities for KCLAS Student community.
The following are the roles and responsibilities for the year 2024-2025, resigning office by April.
Thus, the Leadership Council is a statutory student run body facilitating opportunities to grow holistically by contributing to the institution and oneself. A platform providing leaders of tomorrow an earlier opportunity.
The Leadership Council is a league of leaders who will be working along with the management in the holistic development of the student community. The Leadership Council will be a recognized and an engaged body that enhance students’ experience and expectations leading to personal success.