Department of Management organised a guest talk on ‘Building Your Resume’ for the second year BBA and BA English Students on 27/08/2019 at Lecture Hall 1, KCLAS. The resource person was Mr.Sanjiv Srinivasan, Assistant Professor, KCT B School. Ms. S.Srijitha of second year BBA welcomed the gathering and introduced the guest to her fellow students.Forty Seven Students of II BBA and 11 Students of II BA English have participated Mr.Sanjiv has highlighted the importance of resume building for the placement.
He has Shown some of the best resumes as samples and trained students in the preparation of their resume. He has highlighted the various points that need to be included in the personal details, Educational Qualifications, Internships, Projects done, Seminars and Conferences attended, Paper presented, Paper Published and Special Achievements.. He also emphasized on the necessity for giving references in their resumes.
Finally he has told that the students have to present their objectives and what they want to achieve in their career. He has also insisted that the students have to present what they will do to the organisation in the resume.Mr.Sanjiv has also helped the students in the preparation of their resumes. The lecture has enlightened the knowledge of the students in preparation of the resume. The event was concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. Deepan Abhishek..J of II BBA