Nature club of KCLAS focuses on local and global environmental issues. Events are aimed at bringing awareness to the KCLAS community of pressing environmental issues.
In-House sustainability Projects: The club manages a scheme that brings together staff and students across KCLAS to play an active role in improving the sustainable practices of their office, building or department. This will include on campus projects on reducing energy cost, waste reuse, plastic reduction, saving water, tree planting etc
Outreach Projects: The club aims to encourage fellow students to gain an understanding and awareness of environmental issues such as pollution, global warming and other global environmental concerns. It also focuses on how each individual can reduce, reuse, and recycle to make Earth greener and sustainable. Protection of forests and wildlife are also projects that students take up to make a larger impact.
The club provides the opportunity for like-minded students to congregate, socialize, and make change. ESO does everything from volunteering to education to leading campaigns on multiple environmental issues.